Potatoes and Onions

Heidesand's packing operations for potatoes and onions are located in Neuenkirchen.
The table and new potatoes are delivered, sorted and packaged by our farmers themselves. By keeping transport routes as short as possible and utilising state-of-the-art production facilities, our products maintain their optimum freshness and quality. We offer all conventional packaging sizes from 0.5 kg to 25 kg and deliver by using our own trucks.

Table potatoes and new potatoes

Light, smooth-skinned, tasty and topical sorts, washed and unwashed.

Original bagged goods, sorted and graded directly by the growers

New potatoes

  • German goods from the Palatinate and Lower Saxony
  • Imported goods from Israel, Morocco, Egypt, Spain and Italy

Organic table potatoes

  • German goods from local growers
  • Imported goods from Israel and Austria

Industrial and processing potatoes

Table onions

Dry and firm-skinned quality in all varieties.
Besides German onions, we also deal in onions imported from Tasmania,
New Zealand, Australia, South Africa and Argentina.
We also sell organic onions.

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